Kenya Vision Clinics

Apr 7 2021 - Apr 19 2021
This opportunity has been postponed.

Kenya, known for its abundant wildlife and home to the famous Masai Mara and Amboseli national parks, has a largely rural population. In the more remote areas of Kenya, including where we will serve on this trip, there are significant humanitarian needs to be addressed.

Many people in remote villages lack access to basic necessities. Unto™ partners in Kenya build relationships with people in many small villages and provide resources such as clean water and much-needed food. You too can help villagers by providing for another great need — eyeglasses.

By joining this trip you will travel to village areas in Kajiado District, near Kenya’s border with Tanzania. There you and your teammates will meet one-to-one with people in several villages to assess vision and provide needed glasses. By providing glasses through these clinics you help our partners build stronger relationships in the villages so they can continue to meet critical needs and share the hope of Jesus.

Trip participants will receive training for eyeglass fittings at the beginning of the trip.  Trip fee includes a single-day entrance into Amboseli National Park for wildlife viewing.

Trip Postponed

John Douglass
(972) 234-0800


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